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Saturday 25 August 2012

New Ways to Improve Children's Intelligence

Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Corn Popper Push Toy
Children's intelligence is formed of inheritance of genetic factors, environmental influences, and methods to improve it. Most were never discussed during this third factor is the method of increasing intelligence by design. The most well known of course is through the school, while the other methods using the game means.

If all this reading widely accepted as a more effective way to improve intelligence, in fact this assumption is mistaken. Watching television - especially films - more successful in raise the intelligence of children. By watching the movie, which is active not only in vision and brain as when reading a book, but also senses the ear. At the movies, the child will train the coordination of multi-tasking between sensory eyes, ears and brain as well. The earlier the child is familiar with the film, the more intelligent the child.It applies also to learn the language, such as English or Mandarin. If you can text Indonesian Language in the movies do not need to be seen so that more children getting ear to catch the words in a foreign language.Therefore, the campaign watching foreign films should be more vigorous campaign than reading a book. Reuters Group also need to change the activity center that was producing books, newspapers, magazines and tabloids and add to produce local films and distributing foreign films. Thus the mission of educating the child will more quickly achieve the target.The other method is by varying the child's social environment. Children should not only have the monotony of school and their families, but sometimes children need to be introduced to the different and changing environments. For example, children included music lessons or tutoring lessons with different participants from her school friends, and if you can quite often be changed tutoring or tutoring.By way of varying the environment, the child will be getting smarter adapt, catch up, read the situation faster and faster learning.The combination of reading books - see the movie - changing the social environment will increase the intelligence of children with a rate of at least 15% higher. In addition to improving intelligence, the child will also be more prudent.Factor combination of wit and wisdom that is rare at this time.
baby toys that can increase intelligence:(Edwin Dewayana)

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